Member News
5 things you should know about your Chamber membership in 2021
Chamber members have access to networking events, professional development programs, committee involvement and more, but did you know about these 5 benefits of Chamber membership?
Top Predictions for 2021
Near the end of each year, I do research to determine what experts believe will be the top trends in business for the coming year. It is interesting how most agree with several leading concepts. Let’s take a look at a few.
What We Did This Year
Whether you experienced successes beyond your wildest dreams or became a stronger person for the hardships you endured, reflecting on what you took from 2020 is one of the best ways you can prepare to make 2021 even better.
Quality of Life in 2021
I have a feeling this important component of a vibrant community is only going to be more highly regarded in 2021 and beyond. Quality of life is a much used phrase in the marketing materials of just about every area. But exactly what is quality of life and how do you measure it? And, following…
Plan a Holiday Party Your Team Actually Appreciates
2020 has been a year full of twists, turns, changes and collaborations (You obviously know this). Most likely, your organization has had more change in direction this year then ever before. Your office holiday party will be the same deal. But, how do you plan on office party in a national pandemic? I do not…
Minimum Wage Rate Set for Private Employers for 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 15, 2020 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Jefferson City –Â The Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations announces the state minimum wage rate for 2021 has been established, according to state law, at $10.30 per hour, effective January 1, 2021. Pursuant to Proposition B, which was approved by Missouri…
Some Interesting Numbers and Some Positive Results
Some Interesting Numbers and Some Positive Results No doubt 2020 has been a very challenging year. Let’s look at some interesting numbers and a few positive results. First, some numbers. The Cape Chamber has distributed more than 21,000 masks to local businesses at no cost to them in an effort to protect their employees, the…
15 Cape Girardeau Zoom Backgrounds
According to Psychiatric Times, “Zoom fatigue” describes the tiredness, worry, or burnout associated with overusing virtual platforms of communication. Like other experiences associated with the coronavirus pandemic, Zoom fatigue is widely prevalent, intense, and completely new. To help combat Zoom fatigue, spice your next Zoom call up with a new virtual background of our beautiful river…
Cape Girardeau Experiences Gift Guide
Whether you’re planning to shop online or in-store, looking to go all-out or trying to find the perfect little something, Cape Chamber members can supply the perfect gift for all those friends and family members on your list. “Our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods … You can really…
Celebratory Events with the Cape Chamber
Congratulations on having a reason to host a ribbon cutting! Whether you are just opening your doors or expanding to a new location, it’s a very exciting time for your business or organization. The Cape Chamber is here to help you along the way!