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Strickland Engineering Adds New Employee and Engineering Service

By growthzone | February 10, 2021

Strickland Engineering has excelled for more than 40 years, at helping clients overcome a variety of mechanical, electrical, civic and industrial engineering challenges, as well as provided surveying services. Strickland Engineering has now added a Structural Engineering department to their lineup of offerings. “We are proud to offer structural engineering, a service that will provide…

What Makes the Cape/Jackson Metro a Hub?

By growthzone | February 8, 2021

We often refer to the Cape/Jackson MSA as a regional hub. Why do we say that? Let’s take a closer look. We are the largest metro between St. Louis and Memphis north and south, and between Clarksville or Evansville and Springfield east and west. Our daytime population often exceeds 100,000 as we become a bevy…

Get to Know Your Local SBDC

By growthzone | February 5, 2021

In case you missed it, First Friday Coffee was back in-person at Century Casino last week with Jakob Pallesen presenting about the Small Business Development Center at Southeast Missouri State University. Here’s a quick run-down of what we learned: What is the SBDC? The Small Business Development Center’s mission is “To foster business, community, and…

Advocating for a Positive Business Climate

By growthzone | February 1, 2021

Business success and growth in any region is dependent upon many things. Certainly, as we emerge from this pandemic, one critical factor is a positive business climate. Strong advocacy efforts go a long way in creating a positive business climate. It is important for advocacy groups and individuals to work with responsible entities and seek…

4 Hacks to Make You More Productive

By growthzone | February 1, 2021

Are you in a race against the clock? Whether your plate is overflowing or your coworker’s conversation is drawing your attention, the Cape Chamber staff is here with productivity hacks to stay focused on the job.

Fastest Growing in the Next 10 Years in Southeast Missouri

By growthzone | January 25, 2021

Can you guess what occupations are projected to be the fastest growing in the next ten years for the southeast Missouri region? The Missouri Economic Research and Information Center – MERIC – has released the latest projections for fast growing occupations in our part of the state. They classify these into three different categories: Now,…

We Need Volunteers to…

By growthzone | January 25, 2021

Volunteering with the Cape Chamber may look a little different than what you’d typically expect. Here at the Cape Chamber, we use volunteers to help us accomplish our goals through committee work.
If you’re interested in sharing your time and talent while representing your business interests and helping further the mission of the Cape Chamber, consider joining one of our seven committees!

Early Priorities for President Biden & Governor Parson

By growthzone | January 18, 2021

January 2021 marks the beginning of the State of Missouri legislative session and a new administration in Washington, D.C. Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States on Wednesday of this week. His first 100 days agenda includes special attention to vaccine rollout and addressing our nation’s post pandemic…

Meet Nate

By growthzone | January 18, 2021

Account Manager for rustmedia, Chamber Ambassador, and all-around outstanding Chamber member of three years! What do you love most about your industry? Seeing people happy. Marketing is fun because you get a chance to help people create or promote their brand. Something they are distinctly proud of. Often it is their entire life’s mission and…

Virtual Volunteers Needed From All Career Paths

By growthzone | January 13, 2021

We are seeking volunteers to record a short 3-5 min. video highlighting their education and career experience with middle and high school students.