United Way Opens 2025-2026 Grant Application

United Way of Southeast Missouri (UWSEMO) announces the official opening of their grant application on February 3rd for agencies and programs that desire to join the United Way network of partners. Applications for the organization’s 2025 funding cycle will be accepted until February 21st at 5 pm (CST).
The grant process will be handled differently than in years past as the organization transitions to a more targeted funding model. This year, grants will be given for only one year, and preference will be given to programs that support self-sufficiency and income stability.
To receive a link to the online application, interested parties must first complete a preliminary Grant Application Request Form, which can be found with additional grant details at https://unitedwayofsemo.org/our-impact/uwsemo-funding/.
Each United Way is assigned a specific region. United Way of Southeast Missouri (UWSEMO) serves the counties of Cape Girardeau, Bollinger, Perry, and northern Scott. UWSEMO currently invests in nearly thirty partner agencies and forty programs that support the three areas determined by United Way Worldwide to have the greatest impact on success in life: education, income stability, and health. While UWSEMO will continue to help meet urgent needs, such as food and rent, this year the organization will begin targeting initiatives that help move families and individuals away from need to self-sufficiency.
Due to a large number of applicants with every funding cycle, the triple scoring of each application, the site visits and panel presentations, and the lengthy discussions among CIC members, the entire process takes several months. All applicants will be notified by the end of May, following UWSEMO’s Open House at their new location on April 25th. New partners will be announced to the public by June. Individuals interested in volunteering to review and score online applications should visit UWSEMO’s volunteer page at www.unitedwayofsemo.org/volunteer.