Jacob Long, Owner of Jackson Solar, Attends MOSEIA Solar Summit

Jacob Long, Owner of Jackson Solar LLC, was invited to attend the Missouri Solar Summit put on by the Missouri Solar Energy Industries Association (MOSEIA) in Branson, Missouri on November 16th, 2022. He had the privilege of meeting and learning from the leaders in the solar industry in the state of Missouri. He attended technical sessions put on by Northern Electric Power (NEP), Ameren, Agilix, Alliant, MOSAIC, Green Tech Renewables, Fortress Power, SunModo, Franklin WH, Pegasus Solar, REC Group Americas, SPAN, and Preformed Line Products. Jacob had the honor of speaking with Senator Bill White, who won the MOSEIA Legislator of the Year Award, and Senator Eric Burlison who received the Solar Legacy Award. Senator White spoke that evening on the state of solar in Missouri, continued development of policy that would provide stricter regulations for solar sales companies with “door-knockers”, and the future direction of the solar energy industry. MOSEIA has the goal of growing the solar industry through a code of ethics, outreach, advocacy, continuing education and training and was established in 2009 by Missouri solar industry leaders. Jackson Solar LLC looks forward to continued partnership with MOSEIA.