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Reflecting on 2021

The end of the year, especially a year like 2021, is a time when a myriad of emotions are naturally present.

When I step back and think about where we were one year ago, I am blown away. The resilience I have witnessed, the leadership we’ve encountered, and the light of goodness that has come from this community… I don't think I've ever been more proud.

Amidst coming off a global pandemic, we’ve navigated the waters of vaccine distribution, dealt with unprecedented supply chain issues, and continue to navigate one of the tightest labor markets in history. Despite the many challenges this year brought, our Cape Area businesses remained dedicated to the success of our community. This is certainly something to be celebrated and not taken lightly.

Regardless of what you are feeling with the end of the year upon us, whether it be straight-forward and easy to name or complex and hard to grasp, I hope you take a moment to reflect as we close this chapter. Reflection is an excellent way create space for gratitude while learning from your mistakes, celebrating your victories, and helps set out a path you want to walk on in the coming year.

I challenge you to ask yourself…

  • How would you summarize the past year?
  • Where was the majority of your time and energy spent?
  • Are there areas you can take a step back from in the coming year?
  • What would a successful 2022 look like to you?

On behalf of the Cape Chamber, I'd like to wish you, your family, friends, colleagues, and all the ones you love, a happy and joyful holiday season.