A 4-Day Workweek

There’s been a lot of talk about the potential benefits of a four-day work week instead of a five-day week. Several studies have shown that at some point, productivity decreases as the number of hours worked increases.
A four-day workweek is, ideally, a 32-hour workweek with no loss in productivity, pay, or benefits. Depending on the company, everyone might work Monday through Thursday and have Fridays off. Other options include allowing employees to choose their extra day off or having a company-wide policy of a different third day off, such as Mondays or Wednesdays.
According to Investopedia, several companies worldwide have pulled off a four-day workweek for a year or more, and Japan’s government has recommended it as national policy. It’s not a new idea, but it seems to have come under greater consideration since the COVID-19 pandemic generated a broad reevaluation of how we work.
Benefits employers might expect from a four-day work week include: increased sales, reduced employee burnout, improved employee retention and a larger applicant pool for open positions.
Not all individuals like the idea of a four-day workweek though. Some workers enjoy the social aspects of their jobs and others find that a compressed week gives them a constant pressure to get more work done in less time.
The bottom line is many companies and workers have succeeded with a condensed workweek and enjoyed the benefits. However, a four-day schedule does not work for all industries, businesses, or individuals.