Take 8 Minutes to Help This Community

Your input is needed to guide funding for programs and nonprofits supported by United Way of Southeast Missouri. The survey takes about eight minutes to complete and focuses on the organization's three areas of funding: education, health, and income stability. It is critical for leaders in the community to provide input. Please take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B7RS2F6.
Survey data will help guide funding initiatives for UWSEMO's next funding cycle. In January the agency will open funding opportunities for the upcoming cycle by soliciting Requests for Proposals. Community volunteers will then review and rank all proposals, advancing those that meet the criteria. This group will receive site visits or be invited to present to the Community Investment Committee (CIC), a group of volunteers from each of the organization’s focus areas (education, income stability, and health) and each of the four counties it serves. The CIC recommends to the Board of Directors the agencies it believes United Way should invest in for the next three years and the percentage of revenue each should receive.
Organizations that desire funding and individuals interested in helping to review the applications are encouraged to follow United Way of Southeast Missouri on Facebook and subscribe to the monthly newsletter at https://www.unitedwayofsemo.org/ to receive the most current information and updates.