Meet Nate
Account Manager for rustmedia, Chamber Ambassador, and all-around outstanding Chamber member of three years!

What do you love most about your industry?
Seeing people happy. Marketing is fun because you get a chance to help people create or promote their brand. Something they are distinctly proud of. Often it is their entire life’s mission and most revered asset they have. When you get to see your work well-received it creates a mark and feeling of accomplishment.
How do you define success?
It’s a daily measurement for me. I don’t try to live too far in the past or future but really focus IN the present. Success is giving your best one moment at a time. True success is measured in the positive legacy you leave behind. What people say about you when you aren’t around should be a good measurement of your success. If I have a day where I feel I didn’t accomplish much I try to forgive myself quickly and try again the next day as not to repeat. Success really is failing over and over again but still getting back up knowing you will get it right or get better while trying.
What’s one thing you wish people knew about your business?
Planned and well-executed marketing can make all the difference in the success of a business. I wish people (many do) would see marketing as necessary and less as extra. You don’t have to spend very much to bring positive awareness to your business.
Who inspires you?
I draw inspiration from a lot of different places. My wife, close family/friends, and mother nature (being outside) inspire me.
What’s one thing - either industry-related or not - you learned in the last month?
I’m not a “handyman” (sorry wife) but I recently have been remodeling a bathroom in our house with a good friend (Austin Bollinger). I helped another friend move not long ago and his brother, (Chase Bonner) is a really talented electrician. Austin and Chase have taught me a lot about plumbing, drywall, and electricity. It’s pretty cool stuff and less complicated than you’d think it would be for someone with no background or prior knowledge like myself.
What’s the last book you read?
I am not sure because I am usually reading a few books at a time. One that had great impact on me last year (2020) was You are a Bad@ss by Jen Sincero. Highly recommend. At first when I opened this gift (Christmas 2019) from my wife I assumed she thought I needed to work on my confidence or to believe in myself more. I was totally wrong. This book can benefit anyone who reads it. You will be surprised the lessons and help it brings to all areas of life.
What’s the first concert you ever attended?
I think it was a small venue in Fayetteville, AR from some local artists. I was born in the 90’s where screamo was really poplar. There was a mosh pit and I hated it. I’m kind of a dandelion or golden retriever in personality. So, all of the screaming, sweat, and pushing each other never really resonated with my vibe (shy kid). I don’t think I ever went back and if I did, I certainly avoided the mosh pit.
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
All things Asian food. When making a new friend I often ask them if they like Asian food? If their answer is no my heart dies a little but I guess that’s life.
Why did you join the Cape Chamber?
I wanted to connect with the community and candidly, was encouraged to by my boss.
What do you enjoy most about serving on the Chamber Ambassador Committee?
I enjoy being an Ambassador for many different reasons. It’s an unbiased way to meet people without there being any agenda for starters. Secondly, I really enjoy being around all of the other Ambassadors. Good, hard-working people. Last but certainly not least, I am a people person, and being around others feeds my soul. I gain a lot by interacting with community members and enjoy the relationships that form by seeing each other at business after hours or First Friday Coffee events.
Which membership benefit has your company found most beneficial in the last year?
Likely the constant updates from the Chamber. 2020 was a whirlwind and the ahead of the curve information was helpful in understanding constant changes.
Any other comments for the readers?
Not really, but I would like to give a huge thank you to the Chamber for letting me be a part of this. I really believe in what our Chamber does. If you need something they really do want to help and from my experience do a great job.