Glenn Earns Elite Facilitator Status with True Colors International

Tracey Glenn, President of GlennView, has earned the status of Elite Facilitator with the True Colors International organization. Glenn is one of only 12 Elite Facilitators in the United States and one of only 14 in the world for the International organization. In addition to the True Colors Keys to Personal Success foundational workshop certification, Glenn has attained certifications in four Advanced True Colors Applications, demonstrating a broad True Colors expertise and earning the Elite Facilitator designation. Additional True Colors workshops offered through GlennView’s Advanced True Colors certifications include: True Colors Communication, True Colors Teambuilding, True Colors Teaching and Learning Styles, and True Colors Conflict Navigation. Glenn is also a True Colors certified Virtual Facilitator.
GlennView is a local consulting firm that helps organizations and individuals create intentional growth through leadership development, strategic planning, and public relations. Contact GlennView today at or (573) 270-3580.